Just married

Just married

Thursday, August 25, 2011

2 Months

Steve and I have been married 2 whole months today! Seems like just yesterday I was writing that we've been married a month. Time is just flying by the busier we get! We've seen a lot of our good friends over the past few days and that was nice, being able to catch up. Its another late night for both of us tonight, and an early morning tomorrow of course!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

No tire?

Steve and I spent our day today getting a yummy lunch and looking into getting a spare tire for our car, that apparently didn't come with one! Were pretty bummed about that. It turned out that we wont have to pay as much as we thought for one so that's exciting. One more week and Steve and I will be married for 2 whole months! I cant believe it hasn't even been two months. We've accomplished so much and have learned a bunch about each other these past couple weeks together. Im so excited for everything else we'll have the opportunity to learn.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Wedding Pictures

Steve and I got our wedding pictures today! From the Fabulous Jana.We are so happy with them and cant wait to hang some up in our home.
Living in a basement apartment has is benefits. You end up using the door at the top of your stairs as a mail shoot with the family above you! So much fun. Were so grateful to have such a wonderful family living above us!
Tonight was another work night for Steve and I. We both ended up working late, and will head home soon to watch another episode of Lost before we get some sleep!


Tuesday, August 9, 2011


Ive wanted a tv series that steve and I could get really into. And boy have we found it! We recently got netflix a week or two ago and we found out the other night it had all 6 seasons of Lost on it. Were having so much fun watching as many episodes that we can every night! They get so entertaining that its hard to stop! Our friends had been watching all the seasons together and catching up on the series for awhile. And now its mine and steves turn! Im so excited to be able to understand what all the fuss is about!

Monday, August 1, 2011

Darkness Falls

Yesterday Steve and I survived giving our talks in church, came home and watched a scary movie! We made nachos and surprisingly ate all the nacho cheese we bought for it!

I had brought home my parents printer the night before so that I would be able to print my talk in the morning. Little did I know...It wouldnt work! So less than an hour before church I had no talk. We pulled out my printer that I had, except it had no ink. Steve finally tried on his computer and was able to print my talk. It was a crazy morning for both of us.